STM STREAM Lab Grand Opening

In conjunction with our CSW celebration, our long-awaited STREAM lab is now fully functional!  Our very own Mr. Baxter is completing a cross-curricular experiment tomorrow entitled "Mirror Imaging" with 6th grade. This ties in with their novel for reading, The Disappearing Spoon by Sam Kean. 7th Grade will be constructing DNA strands as they further their study of Life Science. Check our social media posts over the coming weeks and ask your children about their bi-weekly trips to complete a Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts, and/or Math activity.

As we begin Phase 2 of our STREAM Lab plans, we thank the teachers and parents who have chosen to be a part of our STREAM committee. We will be looking at ways to MORE fully engage students in our current science curriculum as well as explore all of the resources and projects that will enhance their experiences. We truly are Designed for MORE!