STM Auction

Racing Towards the Auction!


We’re in the homestretch, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of updates to share! Check out the details below!


Volunteer: We need Auction volunteers! Sign-ups are now live in Membership Toolkit. Click here for details!


Tickets: Tickets are on sale right now, but there's a limited number of table seats left. Buy yours today!


50/50 Raffle:  Bring home half the pot! Tickets are 1 for $25, 3 for $50, and 10 for $100! Click here to get your tickets!


Silent Auction: The Silent Auction is open to everyone in the STM community, even if you aren’t able to join the event itself. It will go live next week, so stay tuned for more details!


** DEADLINE MARCH 8*** Donate Libations: We're accepting donations of beer, wine, and liquor to include in auction items, and for every $15 worth of libations you contribute, you'll earn ONE volunteer hour. Please reach out to Michelle A if you would like to donate!


For general questions, please email [email protected].


Thanks for supporting this major STM fundraiser!