Clinic Communications

We wish the families of STM a new year filled with abundant joy, blessings, and good health! We are thrilled to be back in school and, from the smiling faces, it looks like the students are too! We want to give sincere thanks for the thoughtful cards and gifts our Nursing clinic received from STM families during the holiday. We are very grateful for your thoughtfulness.

This is a friendly reminder that we are still in the cold and flu season; unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be letting up. We are hopeful the holiday break has allowed our STM students a little extra time and rest to fight off any illnesses that have been circulating. However, we cannot let our guard down yet. Please see the posted CDC link below that gives excellent information on Flu vs COVID, signs, symptoms, and testing options. We know it’s easy to get fatigued by constantly maintaining a heightened awareness during the long, cold winter but we must continue to do our part to ensure our STM community stays healthy! Thank you for all that you do to help make this happen.



Tracie and Tasha