Race for Education


With three weeks left to go, one-third of STM families have already created their Pledgestar pages and we’re blazing our way towards the midpoint of our $75,000 goal! 

Help us get schoolwide participation and help your child’s class earn a DRESS DOWN DAY for full Pledgestar participation by signing up for Pledgestar today! 

NOTE: For questions about the portal, text/email Race Co-Chair James Whiteside at 703-303-9201/jmwhiteside1@gmail.com

A few notes:

  • Funds raised by the Race for Education will be used to soundproof the gym, which will create an enhanced community space for STM students, teachers, and families alike!

  • As part of the Race for Education, the school community will also be donating to neighbors in need through the St. Lucy Project Food Drive. Donations will be collected Oct 24-26. Due to space limitations, please do not send food prior to the week of the race. 

  • We still need volunteers to DJ and monitor Grades 6-8 in the race!  Please check out PTOffice for more details!

  • Want to cheer for your runner on race day? Visit the STM Race Page for each grade’s running block!

  • And remember… class parties will be awarded to the classes that have full participation in the Race for Education fundraiser; full participation in the St. Lucy Project Food Drive; the best race day theme; and the most significant contributions to the Race for Education.