Clinic Communications

Return to School Forms
With only 14 school days left this year, it is time to turn your attention back to school forms. I know my pediatrician's office is already sending out reminders to make appointments before August to have paperwork completed, and Magnus is likely to start reminding you soon of requirements for next year. There is a guide on the clinic webpage, and most non-Kindergarten returning students will not need a health care provider's signature on their forms. However, students with food allergies, asthma action plans, epilepsy, and diabetes all have comprehensive paperwork that requires provider signatures.
Rising 7th graders need their Tdap booster and first in the meningitis series. Because these vaccines are commonly offered at your 11 year well visit, most students started 6th grade having already had these vaccines. If you are wondering if your student has documentation of this vaccine, you can log into Magnus at any time and review the immunization status. The HPV and Covid-19 vaccines remain optional.
If you are leaving STM this year and headed to another school that uses Magnus (this includes Bishop Ireton and Bishop O'Connell), we will not "retire" your student's STM account until after June 8th. Some families experience technical difficulties having more than one Magnus account, but Nurse Lorge (BI) and Nurse Berset (DJO) are both aware that this overlap exists.