Auction 50/50 Raffle Information for Parents and Families

Dear STM Family and Friends, 

Get in on the action and buy your 50/50 auction tickets now!  TIME IS RUNNING OUT to buy raffle tickets at the discounted early bird pricing. You’ll get a chance to win big (the pot is already at nearly $5,000).  More importantly, you’ll be supporting our STM teaching community: after one of you wins half, all proceeds will directly support our teachers and staff.  We are all more grateful now than ever for our teachers’ commitment to the education of our students: mind, body and soul.  Let’s show them the love and have some fun in the process! 



Early Bird Pricing, through Friday, February 19: 2 for $25 ($12.50/ticket); 6 for $50 ($8.33/ticket); 15 for $100 ($6.66/ticket BEST VALUE!!)

THANK YOU for all your support during this trying year!  Let’s keep it up by reaching our $20,000 raffle goal.  If we reach our goal, we’ll have a school-wide dress down day. And the class with the greatest participation will receive a class pizza party (one less day of packing lunch!).   

Thank you for your continued generosity and support of STM!

-The 2021 STM Auction Committee 

Attached Files