Celebrating Our Community with Operation Turbo

Our Catholic Schools Week theme for Monday, February 1, is Celebrating Our Community. We are blessed to have many worthwhile causes supported by the St. Thomas More Cathedral community. This year, we are choosing to celebrate Operation Turbo. Operation Turbo was created over ten years ago by Dyan Smith, one of St. Thomas More’s parishioners. The goal of Operation Turbo is to provide “Boxes of Home” overseas to our many deployed service men and women. Operation Turbo is able to support our service members with "Boxes of Home" thanks to the donations made by people such as the members of the St. Thomas More Cathedral School community.
We have assigned the donation items by grade. Please bring in your items and put them in the designated area that your teacher has created in your classroom. If you would like more information, please check Operation Turbo out at the following link: http://www.operationturbo.org/home.html
Requested items:
PreK – Toothpaste (full size)
Kindergarten -- Tuna pouches (only pouches)
First Grade – Men's deodorant (full size)
Second Grade – Men's deodorant (full size)
Third Grade – Men's bar soap (in the following brands: Dial, SafeGuard, Ivory, Zest, Dove for men)
Fourth Grade – Starbucks VIA instant coffee packets
Fifth Grade – boxed Nature Valley Granola bars
Sixth Grade – Toothpaste (full size, in box)
Seventh Grade – Tuna pouches (only pouches, not cans)
Eighth Grade -- boxed Clif bars

Donations should be turned in by Thursday, February 4.

Many thanks for your kind donations and support!

St. Thomas More Catholic Schools Week Committee